A Good Year, It Was 1Q23

I have postponed posting this blog entry until I was ready to start working on the store again. But now things in the Navy are winding down, and I can wait not longer. 

I appreciate your patience, I was hoping to resume working on the store as soon as I completed basic training but I had become over committed here to my studies and devoting my attention to my fellow Sailors. Now that I have graduated and officially become a “rated” Sailor I can now catch up on my other endeavors.

As I write this I am updating the listing and prices. I am also making a fundamental change to our tiny business, we are no longer selling on the eBay platform and will be strictly focused on developing our woo commerce site. When ready, I am going to try pushing an AdWords campaign. I also would like to make it safer and secure to shop on our site as one of the challenges we have had in the recent past are cyber thieves outside the US attempting to purchase our products fraudulently. 

Your friend as ever
