Wood Badge Q1 2022

I completed my Wood Badge training course WB-16-84-22 this quarter and I’m very proud of that. Wood Badge is the highest level of adult leadership training within the Scout BSA organization. I had wanted to do this training before I went into the military and waited approximately two years to be able to take this course (cancelled once due to COVID). The entire course is 5 days long. I can honestly say it was worth it. This event and the people I met left a great impression on me it is perhaps the greatest Scout BSA training that I have received and perhaps would ever receive.

I cannot talk too much about it as “It is a secret to everybody” but ultimately, in order to fully complete the Wood Badge, I must finish my project (also called a ticket) within 18 months. My ticket is to develop a training program specific to Scout Dutch Oven cooking where I plan to also create a website dedicated to this skill, a youtube channel and perhaps a way to accept electronic donations that benefit my scouting unit.

I look forward to sharing my progress in the months to come.